You must notify your article(s) to the SCIP database if you are: an EU article producer and/or assembler an EU article importer […]
Tag: notificatie
SCIP stands for Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products). Established under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), […]
You must notify product information to the poison centre when the chemical mixtures you place on the market are classified as hazardous […]
Sinds de invoering van CLP hebben de lidstaten hun eigen, nationale wetten aangenomen met betrekking tot het informeren van vergiftigingencentra. De informatie-eisen […]
The Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory is a database maintained by ECHA, containing information on the classification and labelling of substances. It […]
Voordat een cosmeticaproduct in de handel wordt gebracht, moet het geëtiketteerd volgens de eisen van de Cosmeticaverordening, en door de verantwoordelijke persoon […]
Under Article 45 of EU-GHS (CLP, 1272/2008/EC), companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market have to notify product information to so-called ‘poison […]