SVHC stands for “Substance of Very High Concern”. Substances may be identified as SVHCs when they: meet the criteria for classification as […]
Etiqueta: manufacturers
A substance is subject to authorisation when it is included in the Authorisation List (REACH Annex XIV). REACH stimulates the gradual substitution […]
Antes de ponerse en el mercado, un nuevo producto cosmético debe ser etiquetado de acuerdo con el reglamento sobre cosméticos y ser […]
A partir del 31 de mayo del 2017, ya no será posible utilizar la extensión de la fecha límite para registrar sustancias […]
If your supplier also manufactures or imports the substance, he has the obligation to register the substance (if the manufactured or imported […]
REACH defines an intermediate as “a substance that is manufactured for and consumed in or used for chemical processing in order to […]
Empresas que fabrican o importan sustancias químicas en cantidades superiores a una tonelada son responsables de demostrar que el uso de dichas […]