SVHC stands for “Substance of Very High Concern”. Substances may be identified as SVHCs when they: meet the criteria for classification as […]
Etiqueta: downstream user
A substance is subject to authorisation when it is included in the Authorisation List (REACH Annex XIV). REACH stimulates the gradual substitution […]
Are you a formulator of chemical products, such as paints or detergents? Or do you use chemicals industrially or professionally, for example […]
If your supplier also manufactures or imports the substance, he has the obligation to register the substance (if the manufactured or imported […]
When asked, companies generally respond with: “Of course we are downstream user! We purchase them from Supplier X.” Nonetheless, further examination frequently […]
De acuerdo al reglamento REACH, un usuario intermedio (UI) es aquella persona que usa sustancias químicas como tal, o sustancias en mezclas, […]
Como usuario intermedio, deberás identificar y aplicar las medidas apropiadas para controlar los riesgos asociados con el uso de sustancias químicas. En […]