REACH defines an intermediate as “a substance that is manufactured for and consumed in or used for chemical processing in order to […]
Category: English
Exposure scenarios (ESs) are prepared as part of a chemical safety report (CSR), generally in the context of REACH registration. They are […]
If you formulate mixtures using substances for which exposure scenarios (ESs) have been provided by the supplier(s), you are obliged to include […]
First, you must identify your role, and whether or not you are the ‘Responsible Person’ for the cosmetic product. Your role […]
When asked, companies generally respond with: “Of course we are downstream user! We purchase our chemicals from Supplier X.” Nonetheless, further examination […]
Distributors and re-branders (and retailers and storage providers) do not have a standard REACH role as “manufacturer”, “importer” or “downstream user”. Nonetheless, […]
To categorise as a downstream user (DU) under REACH, you must source the substances you use from a company that has registered […]
As a DU, you must identify and apply the appropriate measures to control risks associated with the use of chemicals. In practice, […]
Companies that manufacturer or import chemical substances in quantities above 1 tonne are responsible for demonstrating how substances can be used safely. […]
Under Article 45 of EU-GHS (CLP, 1272/2008/EC), companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market have to notify product information to so-called ‘poison […]